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This step-by-step guide will help you install and configure Ultimate Media On The Cloud plugin.


If you are using Lite version, you could install the plugin via Wordpress Plugin page.

  • Navigate to Plugins > Add New page.
  • Search for Ultimate Media On The Cloud.
  • Click Install Now button to install the plugin.

Pro Version

Unzip the downloaded package which you purchased. Locate the file in the folder. This is the plugin file that you need to install.


  • Navigate to Plugins > Add New page.
  • Click Upload Plugin button to upload the plugin file.
  • Click Choose File button to select the plugin file.
  • Click Install Now button to install the plugin.
  • Click Activate Plugin button to activate the plugin.
  • After activating the plugin, you will be redirected to the plugin welcome page.

A new menu item Ultimate Media On The Cloud will be added to the left sidebar of your WordPress admin panel.

Installation is now complete. You can now proceed to the plugin configuration.

Last update:
Contributors: Tran IT